Christ first:

Who or what is the most important in your life? Your spouse, children, or friends? Your money, career, or dreams? Maybe it is yourself and your survival.

The real truth is it should be Jesus Christ! What could possibly be more important? Your children, your investments, even your life. Unconditional belief and trust in Jesus Christ is the key. Nothing can compare, nothing is more important. John 1:2 tells us “ He was in the beginning with God”. John 1:3 tells us, “ All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made”. Including you, your family, your finances, your future, everything.…..

Christ first: Awareness

Are you aware of the truth? Do you believe that going to church or reading the Bible guarantees you a ticket to heaven? Maybe you think that being a “good person” compels God to recognize your good works and will whisk you to the pearly gates. The question still remains; Do you have the right to go to heaven?

Christ first: Spiritual Awareness

Do you have a “spiritual awareness “? Are you aware of the spiritual realm that flows all around us? Perhaps your the type that will “only believe it when you see it “. Maybe you put all your trust in science and the physical world. More importantly, would you rather believe you are “right “ and confidently correct or is the actual truth and certain future more important?

Sanctification is Divine Intervention:

What is Sanctification? Is it something we can fully define or even control? Are we as individuals capable of even understanding what’s involved? The quick answer is NO! We do however know it is a gift from God! I believe we have no idea what the Lord see’s, knows, or has in store for our future. The truth is , we can not sanctify ourselves. Sanctification is a process. It is activated by a single event, a one time act…..

No coincidence, “A miracle of deliverance”:

When and how do we know that miracles have occurred? There are countless examples in history. Some miracles are obvious, some acts of divine intervention, are not. Take for example the “Miracle of Dunkirk” as Winston Churchill would call it.

Beach and birds

More than Coincidence: Divine Intervention

Often we account for an unexplainable event or chance meeting by writing it off as coincidence, uncontrolled synchronicity, or just “luck.” What if what we were seeing was more than an accident? What if it was pre-ordained, God’s will, and a glimpse of divine guidance? More specifically, how could we possibly prove to ourselves that it was under supernatural control?

Divine Inspiration or Coincidence?

Have you ever had a series of thoughts that wouldn’t go away? Hour after hour, day after day the same line of thinking occurs again and again. It could be an idea, an invention, or a burst of creativity like a small fire deep inside of you that wants to develop. The real question; where did the idea come from? Was your sudden inspiration mere luck or coincidence or possibly a Divine revelation?

Is God in Control?

Are we truly in control of our own lives? This is a question I have pondered many times. The concept of control carries with it many implications and responsibilities. If we say we are in complete control of our own lives then we become liable or subjected to all outcomes good or bad. Yet the truth is, we can not control everything. We are unable to stop a hurricane, a stock market crash, acquiring cancer, or the reaction of a loved one for example. We could however be kind to others, respond in love, or work diligently to complete a project. Some of us just do what we feel like at the time or cast all cares to the wind.

Divine intervention and Divine inspiration:

Where is God? Do we know when He has touched our lives? Do we recognize His saving grace?
Has He interceded into our affairs, helped us at a critical moment, or inspired us with a perfect idea? These are questions I frequently had. They are questions I suspect you may have had also.

Colonial artwork

No coincidences with God: Divine Intervention

How can we deny the Divine intervention of the Lord? Are there not critical times in world history that lives and nations are saved by the hand of God? More specifically, can we look back at history, use everyday logic, and roughly calculate divine providence? I believe the answer is yes! Take for example a series of miracles that occurred during the American Revolution.

No Coincidence, only Divine Intervention: Divine Intervention

Have you ever found yourself at a specific place at the exact right time?  Possibly, you just “ran into” a friend, a loved one, or a new acquaintance that turned into a miraculous connection. What about thoughts, worries or prayers that are seemingly answered by timely words, memories, or songs from others? Was it just chance, synchronicity, or extreme coincidence? I believe there are no coincidences. The Lord uses infinite methods to calm our worries, correct our paths, prosper our futures, and answer prayers.

Divine inspiration, talents and gifts revealed through Mozart: Divine Intervention

Have you ever had a burst of creativity or a series of thoughts and wondered where it came from? Do we really believe we are so naturally incredible that almost perfect ideas are stored in our minds ready for immediate use? What about talents and creations from our own hands that flow out without any need for correction? I believe divine inspiration and Godly intervention can explain all.

A modern day “Miracle on the Hudson”: Divine Intervention

How do we define events that usually have disastrous outcomes and turn out positive beyond our belief? Would you consider them unbelievably lucky? A miracle beyond explanation? Or possibly, divine intervention by the grace of God? Even if you were convinced God’s hand was involved, how could you prove it? I believe logic, mathematical probability, and rough odds are a way to identify Divine Providence.

Divine inspiration or Providence?:Divine Intervention

Have you ever prayed to God for an answer or a direction in life? Were you possibly desperate for Godly wisdom? Maybe your inner most desire was to follow the Lord’s divine will. This course of thinking has replayed in my life countless times. Maybe it has for you also.

I will be thinking about a subject or praying for guidance and like a miracle the answer will arrive. Sometimes it occurs right away and I’ll turn to the Bible and find the exact scripture I need. Other times my pastor or a friend at church will bring up the subject and use the specific word of God as an answer to prayer.

Chance meetings: Divine Intervention

Have you ever just met someone and suddenly made an unlikely connection? Was the event like a thread that led to more? Perhaps it was necessary to meet a particular person that helped with a new career, an idea, or a future relationship that would change your course in life. Maybe it started out as casual conversation with a stranger or you just happened to ” bump” into someone you haven’t seen for a while.

George Washington recognized Providence: Divine Intervention

Do we realize when and how miracles have occurred right in front of our own eyes? Some famous leaders have recognized God’s intervention, and we are blessed with their observations. Major George Washington would experience and record God’s saving grace 22 years before the Declaration of Independence and his critical role in the American Revolution.

Be aware or remain spiritually blind

What is awareness? Is it limited to your present situation? Does it include knowing your direction or purpose in life? More importantly, are facts and knowledge of the truth critical to determining your future? I believe being self aware of the truth leads to peace, prosperity, and eternal life.

© 2024 Awareness Theology