Staring at sunset


  • Basic human instinct desires self awareness and the truth
  • There is more to life than living, surviving, and dying
  • We have a deep internal desire to go beyond ourselves, to make a mark in life and/or to influence others
  • Our real purpose is far greater than self satisfaction, material acquisition, or a “pride of life”
  • True freedom is not simply the ability to do or choose what ever you want but freedom from suppression, slavery, or total control over every aspect of our life
  • Whether we realize it or not, we are in a spiritual war for our souls and our influence on others
  • Good and evil are not morally relative and can not be rationalized
  • There is life after death somewhere and for everyone
  • Through God; faith, hope, and love are the greatest forces in the universe
  • There are different types and graduated levels of real love.


  • We have been created by God to have a one-on-one interpersonal relationship with Him (
  • We have a void in our souls only fill able by God
  • The Lord has the best possible plan for your life
  • God’s plan includes inspiration, direction, purpose, and protection
  • The closer we interact with God and trust and obey His word, the greater we experience His Love and fulfill the unseen dreams of our heart
  • Evil attempts to deceive, divide, and destroy our influence and lives
  • There is an unending attempt to demoralize, discourage, and dim our light given to us by God
  • Reading the Bible and going to church are just the beginning: our actions and application of God’s word are revealed by the fruits of the Spirit
  • The Lord has been patiently waiting for you to repent, depend on Him, purify your life, and live eternally with Him.
Climbing mountain


  • The Holy Bible is the inspired word of God. I Thess. 2:13
  • The word of God is infallible and without error. 2 Tim. 3:16-17
  • The word of God has a purpose, unable to return without accomplishment. Isa. 55:11
  • God’s word is living, far more than just words on a page. Heb. 4:12
  • The Lord’s words are eternal and created the foundation of the world. Mt. 24:35, Jn. 1:1, 1 Pet. 1:24,25
  • There is only one God in our universe. 1 Tim. 2:5
  • There is one Trinity consisting of three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 2 Cor. 13:14
  • We become justified by our absolute faith in Jesus Christ and through His Grace receive salvation and the Holy Spirit. Rom. 5:1-5
  • Saving faith is a gift from God not a product of good works. Eph. 2:8-9
  • The Lord sends the Holy Spirit into your life to help, guide, purify, and protect. 1 Cor. 2:10-13, Jn. 14: 26

Absolute truth

  • Faith is required to have an interpersonal relationship with God. Heb. 11:6, Jn. 11:25,26
  • The Lord has no equal. Isa. 46:5, Isa. 40:12,15
  • Salvation is through Christ alone. Rom. 6:23, Acts 4:12
  • Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. Jn. 14:6, Jn.3:36
  • Faith in action and submission to Jesus Christ leads to salvation. Rom. 10:9. Jas. 2:18-23
  • In order to have eternal life you must be born of the spirit or “born again”. Jn. 3:3. , Jn. 3:6
  • The Lord is omnipresent (everywhere). Jer. 23:24
  • The Lord is omniscient (knows everything). Prov. 15:3
  • The Lord is omnipotent (all powerful). Gen. 1:1, Ps. 135:6
  • Once (if) saved, always saved. Rom. 8:30, 33-35, 38-39. Titus 3:5-7. Jn. 5:24, Jn. 10:28-29
  • The Lord will never leave you or forsake you. Deut. 31:6, Heb. 13:5-6

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